When Penn State Brandywine opened its first residence hall in August 2017, it was a milestone in the campus’ 53-year history. Four years later, hundreds of students have spent at least some time living in the 250-bed Orchard Hall, but at least half a dozen have resided there since it opened.
During her final semester at Penn State Brandywine, human development and family studies (HDFS) major Carly Dill interned at the West End Neighborhood House in Wilmington, Delaware.
For Penn State alumna Dana Piatt, earning a bachelor of arts degree in psychology at the Brandywine campus was a key step to becoming an animal trainer and achieving a career dream she held since she was six years old.
From covering breaking news to writing obituaries, Lewistown Sentinel reporter and recent Penn State graduate Lexi Harpster is making good use of the skills she gained while earning her communications degree at Brandywine.
Penn State is focused on supporting students and helping them to meet their desired educational outcomes no matter the method of delivery, and advisers will be available to assist students in crafting their individual class schedules and curricula options.
For a Penn State Brandywine senior who embraces creativity, the multidisciplinary studies degree allowed her to craft an individualized path of study built upon her passion for art and photography.
By the midpoint of her sophomore year, Katya Iatsenko had already served as an undergraduate researcher and presented at multiple conferences — but navigating the opportunity to study abroad wasn’t an exact science.