Providing Financial Assistance and Recognizing Excellence
At Penn State Brandywine we offer numerous scholarships and awards, which provide financial assistance and recognize excellence in a specific discipline.
Scholarship application requirements:
- Most requirements for these scholarships are a 3.0 GPA or better. There are limited scholarships that require a 2.5 GPA.
- No more than one half of a student's schedule may be developmental.
- Student's semester bill must be in paid status.
- Student must have met the above criteria and be in good standing the prior fall of the application.
- Student must be enrolled at Penn State Brandywine for the 2025-2026 school year.
Recipients will be notified in the summer prior to the Fall semester and will be required to write a thank-you note to the donors who have funded the scholarship.
Below are the Penn State Brandywine awards and scholarships for students. Students who apply are considered for any/all of these for which they may qualify.
Emergency Scholarship Fund
First-Year Student Scholarship Application
Returning Student Scholarship Application
The Discover Penn State Award
The Provost Award
The Adult Student Organization Scholarship
This scholarship rewards part-time adult students who have spent significant time doing community or campus service, or enhancing the academic prestige of the campus in some way. It recognizes part-time students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved superior academic records. Preference is given to adult students.
The John E. and Judith Baillis Endowed Scholarship
Funded by John E. and Judith Baillis, friends of the campus, two scholarship are given: one to any student who has been out of high school for four years or more and who is enrolled or is planning to enroll in a Baccalaureate program at Penn State Brandywine; the second scholarship is given to a provisional student, either incoming or returning, at Penn State Brandywine.
The Edward Berman Memorial Award
Funded by Mrs. Trina Berman and friends and business associates of Edward Berman, this award honors undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll in a baccalaureate degree program at Penn State Brandywine, who have a minimum 3.0 GPA and who have contributed to the prestige of the University by leadership activities and personal traits of character. Preference is given to Journalism or Communications majors who have demonstrated willingness to serve their community.
The Judge Louis A. Bloom Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor of Judge Bloom, president of the campus Advisory Board from 1968-1987. Endowed with gifts from the Bloom family and friends, and by campus alumni and friends, the scholarship is made to promising incoming freshmen, full-time undergraduate students planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved superior academic success or manifest promise of academic success.
The Joseph J. Bradley Memorial Scholarship
Funded by Michael J. Bradley and his wife, Linda, in memory of Michael's brother, Joey, one of eight children, who died at the age of six and therefore was unable to attend any school. This scholarship is given in recognition of a student's outstanding academic achievement at Penn State Brandywine who has demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to hard working individuals from larger families to help with the financial hardships of college tuition. Preference shall also be given to students enrolled in Business Administration program.
Brandywine Alumni Society Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine and who have demonstrated financial need.
The Jack and Dorothy Calderone Award
Funded by Jack Calderone, family and friends, this award shall be given to an undergraduate student enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who has a sophomore standing or above and who has achieved outstanding academic success. First preference is given to a student who graduated from Chester High School.
Mark and Louann Campbell Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given to students whose home address of record is in Chester, PA.
Campbell Family Trustee Scholarship in Honor of Jack and Dorothy Calderone
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given from the eligible pool whose home address of record is Chester, PA.
The Julia K. Carter Scholarship
Funded by Penn State alum Harold M. Schaeffer and his wife, Jean Schaeffer, this scholarship was established in memory of Jean Schaeffer's sister, Julia. Consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students who have a junior standing or above. Preference is given to students enrolled in Business.
The Chester County Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association
Funded by University Park, the recipient of this award will be enrolled at Penn State Brandywine as a full-time student who has achieved academic success and has demonstrated financial need.
The Lauren E. Chrest Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by family and friends of Mitchel Chrest, a Penn State alum, and his wife, Maureen, in memory of their daughter, Lauren, a 13-year old, eighth grader who died of cystic fibrosis. Her spirit lives on in this award, honoring academic excellence and athletic achievement. Consideration should be given to undergraduate students who have completed at least two semesters and who have achieved a minimum 3.0 GPA.
The Clayton Family Award
Funded by Campus Advisory Board member Kathryn Clayton and her husband, Walter, consideration for this award shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved outstanding academic honors.
The Jane E. Cooper Endowed Adult Student Scholarship
This scholarship will provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding non-traditional (adult) students enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time academic curriculum. Consideration shall be given to all qualifying undergraduate students who have achieved academic success and who have a demonstrated financial need.
The Dambly Family Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved academic success. Preference is given to students who reside in Delaware County, PA.
The Judith Davis Memorial Scholarship
Founded in memory of a former campus professor of psychology and funded by contributions from her family and friends, this scholarship is given preferably to a student enrolled in the College of the Liberal Arts. Students must be entering their second year of study.
The Delaware County Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association Award
Consideration for this award shall be given to undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of two semesters at Penn State Brandywine and who have good academic standing.
The Ralph B. and Shirley McFadden D'Iorio Scholarship
Founded to honor Penn State alum and former campus Advisory Board President Ralph D'Iorio, this scholarship provides recognition to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll in the College of Liberal Arts who have achieved superior academic success and have demonstrated financial need.
The Albert Eizen Memorial Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship will be given to students enrolled or planning to attend Penn State Brandywine. First preference shall be given to students who are first generation college students.
The Robert E. Finucane Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established through contributions from the Delaware County Press Club, the Finucane family and friends, in memory of the late Robert E. Finucane, a former adjunct faculty member and local newspaper columnist. Consideration shall be given to students who have been enrolled at Penn State Brandywine for at least two semesters. Preference is given to students majoring in Journalism, Communications, or Liberal Arts.
The Franz-Kahmar Scholarship
This scholarship was established by George Franz, retired Director of Academic Affairs and Interim Chancellor, and his wife Kammy, in honor of their parents William R. and Marjorie R. Franz and George B. and Edith Kahmar. This scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to outstanding baccalaureate degree students enrolled or planning to enroll in American Studies or the Humanities.
The Lawrence E. Hallstrom Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been funded through contributions of Mr. Hallstrom, a 1929 Penn State alum and graduate of the College of Engineering, and his wife, Geraldine. Consideration shall be given to full-time undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine for at least two semesters. Preference is given to a student enrolled in the College of Engineering.
The Thomas E. Hare III Memorial Award
Funded by campus Advisory Board member Paul Stimmler and his wife, Gale and their family, this award is in memory of Gale's brother, Thomas, a 1970 Penn State graduate who was an enthusiastic member of the Florida Chapter of the Nittany Lion Club and life member of the Penn State Alumni Association who died in 1993. It traditionally honors academic achievement and outstanding contributions to the campus community.
The Barbara S. Iannacone Memorial Scholarship
Funded by Penn State alum John Iannacone and Marian Stonis in memory of their mother, who was a widow and determined to give her children a college education. Preference is given to full-time students who manifest promise of outstanding academic success and who have overcome adversity. First preference is given to students who have suffered the loss of a father.
The Brian K. Johnson Memorial Award
This award shall be given to an undergraduate student enrolled at Penn State Brandywine, to the extent permitted by law, who ethnic, cultural and/or national background contributes to the diversity of the student body and who has the highest grade point average.
The H. Leonard Krouse Award of the Penn State Club of Delaware County
The oldest endowed scholarship at Penn State Brandywine, this award has been funded by contributions of Penn State alumni and friends through the efforts of the Penn State Club of Delaware County and its former president, H. Leonard Krouse. Preference is given to students who have completed four semesters at the Brandywine campus and who have contributed to the prestige of the campus by their leadership in activities and personal traits of character; and who plan to continue studies here or at another Penn State campus.
The Dewey La Rosa Memorial Scholarship
The initial endowment for this scholarship has been contributed by the family and friends of the late Dewey LaRosa, a disabled veteran of World War II and former Delaware County District Justice who was a graduate of Penn State Delaware County in Administration of Justice. Consideration shall be given to students with financial need; preference is given to physically handicapped students.
The Scott Latimer Engineering Award
Funded by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Latimer, family and friends, in memory of their son, Scott, a Penn State student who was killed by a drunk driver in 1998. This award honors a full-time undergraduate student enrolled or planning to enroll in engineering who has achieved strong academic success and who has demonstrated involvement and leadership on the campus.
The Joseph and Mary Jane Linker Endowed Scholarship at Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to full-time undergraduate students who are enrolled at Penn State Brandywine and who have a minimum 3.0 GPA. First preference shall be given to students from St. John Neumann and St. Maria Goretti high schools in Philadelphia, PA.
The Linker Family Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship is open to all students who are enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine. First preference shall be given to students from the eligible pools who are participating in Penn State Brandywine's Global Programs.
The Anita and David Lipson Award
Consideration for this award shall be given to all undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved academic honors and financial need.
Stephen C. Lipson Scholarship at Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to full-time undergraduate students who have achieved superior academic success and who are enrolled or planning to enroll in the Bachelor of Business Program at Penn State Brandywine. First preference shall be given to students with an interest in marketing or management.
Jeffrey P. Lipson Scholarship at Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to full-time undergraduate students majoring or planning to major in Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved superior academic success and have demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given to students who are veterans.
Ruth Lipson Gerber Scholarship at Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved superior academic success and who have demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given to students who are majoring in American Studies, English or Letters, Arts and Sciences.
Anita C. Lipson Scholarship at Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have superior academic success and who have demonstrated financial aid. First preference shall be given to students who are majoring or planning to major in Information Sciences and Technology.
The Ada Case Lobrovick Scholarship for Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Funded by retired Executive Officer Edward Tomezsko and his wife Jean, this scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to outstanding students enrolled or planning to enroll in the College of Education at Penn State Brandywine, and specifically the campus' Early Childhood and Elementary Education baccalaureate degree program and who have demonstrated financial need.
The Arnold A. Markley Trustee Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was named for Arnold A. Markley who was a professor at Penn State Brandywine. The recipient of this scholarship should be enrolled or is planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine, who has good academic standing and who has demonstrated financial need.
The Tim Mark Endowed Award in the Visual Arts
Established by friends of Tim Mark, a Penn State alum and artist, this scholarship honors and recognizes emerging artists. The purpose of this award shall be to honor and recognize an emerging artist and to display the artist's works for the benefit of Penn State students.
The David and Florence Newman Scholarship Fund
Bequeathed by Gemma N. Harrison, a former faculty member at Penn State Delaware County, in memory of her parents, this scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to students enrolled or planning to enroll at the campus. Consideration shall be given to students who have a high scholarly attitude and high character regardless of race, color or creed and who have demonstrated financial need.
The Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship for Penn State Brandywine
This scholarship is for those full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need.
The Penn State Brandywine Advisory Board Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need.
The David E. and Margaret M. Pergrin Scholarship
This scholarship has been funded by contributions of Penn State alumni and friends through the efforts of the Delaware County chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association and longtime member David E. Pergrin and his wife, Margaret. Consideration shall be given to full-time undergraduate students who have completed as least two semesters at Penn State Brandywine. Preference is given to an Engineering student or to a student enrolled in Education.
The PNC Financial Corp. Brandywine Campus Scholarship
This scholarship is funded through the PNC Corporation and Provident Bank, one of its member banks. Consideration shall be given to students at Penn State Brandywine who have achieved superior academic success.
The Ernest and Angela Repice Endowment at Penn State Brandywine
Funded by former campus Advisory Board President and member Ernest Repice and his wife, Angela, this scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine. Consideration shall be given to all full- or part-time students who achieve superior academic success and demonstrate financial need.
The Rosenberg Family Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine. First preference shall be given to students who have demonstrated commitment to public service and community involvement.
The David and Marjorie Rosenberg Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given to students who have demonstrated commitment to public service and community involvement.
The William Rush Woodcarvers Award
Funded by the William Rush Woodcarvers Association, consideration for this award shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled at Penn State Brandywine who are in good academic standing and who have demonstrated financial need.
The Harold M. Schaeffer Scholarship
Funded by Penn State alum Harold M. Schaeffer and his wife Jean, this scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to outstanding undergraduate students who have been enrolled at Penn State Brandywine for at least four semesters. Students must have minimum of 3.0 GPA.
The Harold M. Schaeffer Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need.
The Richard and Sylvia Schaffer Scholarship
Established by Sylvia and Richard Schaffer, this scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance to outstanding full-time adult learner undergraduate students currently enrolled at Penn State Brandywine majoring in English or in Letters, Arts and Sciences and who have a financial need.
The Jane Housman Sheetz Memorial Scholarship
Founded in memory of the first employee of the Delaware County campus who died in 1986, this scholarship is funded by alumni and friends of the campus and by members and friends of the Sheetz family. Recipients should be entering their second year of study, and contribute to the prestige of the campus by their leadership in activities and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
The Edward S. J. Tomezsko Scholarship
This scholarship has been funded by contributions of the Penn State Brandywine campus Advisory Board with matching funds from Integrated Systems Consulting Group. Named for the campus' second Executive Officer, consideration shall be given to full-time students at the Brandywine campus who have achieved superior academic records, who have demonstrated financial need, and who plan to continue studies here. Preference shall be given to students enrolled in scientific fields of study.
The Trustee Scholarship Fund for Penn State Brandywine
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Brandywine who have demonstrated financial need.
The John D. and Greta C. Vairo Scholarship
Named for the founding Director and Executive Officer of the campus, who served from 1967 to 1986, and for his wife, who worked for the Penn State Cooperative Extension as a home economist, this scholarship was funded through contributions by family, alumni, and friends. Consideration shall be given to students who have completed at least four semesters and who have contributed to the prestige of the campus by their leadership in activities and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
The Visual Sound, Inc. Endowment at Penn State Brandywine
The purpose of this award shall be to honor and recognize outstanding achievement by an undergraduate student who is enrolled in the General Business Program at Penn State Brandywine. Consideration will be for those students who have demonstrated a commitment to community service and who have achieved superior academic records.
The Gilbert A. Wetzel Communications Scholarship
Presented to an outstanding full- or part-time student enrolled in the Telecommunications Technology program or a related program of study, and who contribute to the prestige of the campus by their leadership in activities and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. The scholarship is named for the past president of Bell of Pennsylvania.
The Charles and Jean Zeien Scholarship
Funded by Charles and Jean Zeien, to recognize an outstanding incoming freshman and who is enrolled in engineering and/or business, who has achieved superior academic success and who has demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to residents of the City of Chester, PA.
The Michael Menichini Award
This award is funded by Ralph and Helene Menichini and family and friends, in memory of Michael Menichini. Michael, who graduated from Penn State in 1997, was serving as campus assistant basketball coach at the time of his death in 1999. Recipients of this award must achieve academic excellence, a minimum of 3.0 GPA, as well as show an interest in basketball.