Brandywine Student Spotlight: Maddie Ferguson

Maddie Ferguson
Credit: Penn State

Year: Third

Major: Business

Options: Marketing and Management & Business Analytics

Involvement: Treasurer, Student Government Association (SGA); resident assistant (RA); student-athlete, Brandywine’s tennis team

Brandywine: What was your deciding factor in coming to Penn State Brandywine?

Ferguson: Coming to Brandywine as a transfer student from an out-of-state school, the in-state tuition at Penn State was a big selling factor. What really sealed the deal for me, though, was the pride of being a Penn State student. The alumni network is huge, and they’re always willing to help students or recent alumni. It’s like a big family.

Brandywine: How did you choose your major?

Ferguson: At my former school, I was the vice president of recruitment for a sorority, so I was doing a lot of marketing- and analytics-based things to recruit new members, and I realized it was something I really enjoyed doing. I realized I loved taking messy things and putting them into something pretty and organized.

Brandywine: What challenges have you faced at Brandywine if any?

Ferguson: Time management was definitely a challenge, especially with everything I’m involved with. Being an RA and treasurer of SGA are big time consumers, so figuring out my priorities has been very overwhelming. I think Brandywine showed me that I need to prioritize what’s important to me, not necessarily what’s important to other people.

Brandywine: Who at Brandywine has supported you, and how?

Ferguson: Jordan Polillo (a fourth-year student and SGA president) has really supported me — she pushed me to join the tennis team, apply for the RA position and join SGA. I never thought I’d be involved in student government before coming here. Jordan really pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I’m so grateful for that.

Also, Don Brennan (assistant director of residence life) and Jasmaine Price-Thornton (residence life coordinator) in the residence hall have been really supportive. They always believe in me and build my confidence up when I’m feeling down. They’ve also helped me grow so much, even in the span of six months.

Brandywine: What made you interested in becoming an RA? What do you enjoy most about it?

Ferguson: After being a commuter student for a year, I wanted to experience the strong community that Orchard Hall has. Also, Jordan was an RA and encouraged me to apply for the position last year. The connections I’ve been able to build with my residents are so heartwarming and fulfilling to me. They can come to me for any help they need, and I can guide them. Although it could be daunting to have so many people rely on you, there’s something so comforting about it too.

Brandywine: What made you interested in joining SGA? What do you enjoy most about it?

Ferguson: I wanted to have the opportunity to meet new people. I already knew Jordan because we went to high school together, and when she encouraged me to join, I jumped at the opportunity. I met tons of people and was given such a great leadership opportunity. After my executive board experience with the sorority, I realized I loved being a leader and advocating for people, so I knew I wanted a leadership role in SGA as well.

The most valuable thing in my experience with SGA is meeting people from across the commonwealth and seeing how individual campus experiences shape Penn State as a whole. It felt so lovely to build those connections, especially because we all have the common thread of being Penn State students.

Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone, because if you do, you’ll be looking back on your time in college and realize how much you’ve grown as a person.

—Maddie Ferguson , third-year business major, Penn State Brandywine

Brandywine: What advice do you have for students who are looking to get involved?

Ferguson: Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone, because if you do, you’ll be looking back on your time in college and realize how much you’ve grown as a person. Push yourself beyond what you think you can do so you can build those new connections and build who you are as a person.  

Brandywine: With your involvement at Brandywine, how has your time on campus been impacted?

Ferguson: I’m never bored. There’s always something for me to do or someone to do things with. I have so many more connections with faculty and staff too because of my involvement. I also know Brandywine like the back of my hand now, and I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable here.  

Brandywine: What's your favorite memory you've made at Brandywine?

Ferguson: Big BEAST Blowout was my favorite memory last year. I had tennis practice, and it got canceled because of the rain, and I was like, “What do I do now?” Then, I heard music, so I followed it and found Big BEAST Blowout. I got my tarot cards read and was able to hang out with so many of my friends.

Brandywine: What has been the most valuable lesson you've learned at Brandywine?

Ferguson: It’s okay to do things that you wouldn’t usually do. It’s okay to be different and go against the grain. Prioritize your passions because that’s what will lead you down the right path.