Sushrut Shringarputale, who’s studying computer science, recently traveled to Arizona and California for an internship opportunity with Infineon Technologies.
MEDIA, Pa. — Penn State student Sushrut Shringarputale, who’s studying computer science, recently completed an internship at Infineon Technologies — a company that produces microelectronic chip components that increase energy efficiency and safeguard today’s staggering amount of digital data.
According to its website, the technology firm has four divisions that focus on advancing automotive electronics, industrial power management, personal electronic device efficiency, and digital security through the production of semiconductors.
Shringarputale worked on two projects at two different Infineon Technologies’ office locations during his 10-week internship with the global company.
For the first four weeks of his position, he was stationed at the company’s U.S. headquarters in Los Angeles, California. There, he worked as part of the information technology team on documenting web applications the company uses to manage quotes and contracts with its customers.
“Since Infineon Technologies is migrating its content to a new website, I had to create documents that explain what the web applications do ‘behind the scenes’ in the website’s code,” he said. “That way, when the applications are moved to another website environment, they can be connected properly and will function correctly.”
Needing him at another location, Infineon Technologies flew Shringarputale to Chandler, Arizona, where he spent the next six weeks working on a different website migration project that included transferring website content via a data transfer.
“I had to move content from the old website environment into a new environment while making sure there weren’t any errors and all content migrated properly,” he said. “All of the content needed to be a perfect match, but the back ends of each website were completely different. Getting the two systems to communicate was a challenge.”
Shringarputale credited Brandywine’s career services office for serving as a resource that gave him the skills needed to secure his internship. Through a one-credit class offered through the office called “Job/Internship Search and Professional Skills,” he improved his resume writing and interview skills and was able to network at several career fairs.
A native of India, Shringarputale said that enrolling at a university in a foreign country was both gratifying and challenging, but Penn State Brandywine made his shift to the United States easier by allowing him to get involved and meet peers through various student clubs and organizations — one of which was the Brandywine chapter of Phi Beta Lambda.
A nonprofit organization that strives to bring business and education together through leadership and career development programs, Phi Beta Lambda allowed Shringarputale to travel to the organization’s 2016 National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. There, he competed in a number of events against other students from around the country and took home first place in the programming concepts category.
Instructor in Information Sciences and Technology Nannette D’Imperio, who taught Shringarputale in several of his classes, said she was extremely proud to see what he accomplished during his internship and that “Sushrut exhibited an amazing capability to absorb and apply the concepts presented far beyond all expectations. This internship provided him with an excellent opportunity to put these skills to work and to expand his knowledge base and experience.”
Shringarputale recently transitioned from Brandywine to University Park to complete his degree as part of Penn State’s 2+2 program.