Julie Stanton received her B.S. in Economics from Georgetown University, and her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland. Dr. Stanton’s expertise is in consumer interest in organic and other niche foods, and in food marketing channels between developing and developed country markets. Dr. Stanton has published in respected peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Research in Consumer Behavior, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and Supply Chain Management. She serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Macromarketing, is on the Policy Board of the Macromarketing Society, as well as the Board of Directors for the Eastern Academy of Management. She is co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Macromarketing on quantitative assessment and modeling of macromarketing constructs.
In her teaching, Dr. Stanton seeks both to create capable business professionals as well as to foster their greater sensitivity to the global business environment. Because of her experiences gained over a decade of working with the World Bank in Washington DC, she encourages students to examine course topics in the context of developing country conditions. Her research expertise in topics related to sustainability also guides her approach to teaching. These skills are important preparation for careers in business today.
Outside interests include spending time with her family, working on home improvement projects and travel.
Media consultations: Organic food, U.S. agricultural trade with Mexico, supply chain entry issues in agriculture
Recent Publications and Presentations
Stanley Shapiro and Julie Stanton, forthcoming, “Post-Covid Canada: A Better Quality of Life for Everyone?”, invited chapter for Cliff Shultz, Don Rahtz and Joe Sirgy, eds., Community, the Economy, and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, (under contract with Springer Publishing).
Beatriz de Quero-Navarro, Julie Stanton and Thomas A. Klein, 2021, “Towards a Panoramic View of Macromarketing Topics and Bibliography,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41:1, 48-64. Ruby Anniversary special issue.
Stan Shapiro, Stefanie Beninger, Christine Domegan, Alex Reppel, Julie Stanton and Forrest Watson, 2021, “Macromarketing Pedagogy: Empowering Students to Achieve a Sustainable World,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41:1, 104-115. Ruby Anniversary special issue.
Forrest Watson, Stefanie Beninger, Christine Domegan, Alex Reppel, Stan Shapiro and Julie Stanton, 2021, “An ‘Expanded Voice’ Macro-Sustainability Approach to Teaching Principles of Marketing,” Proceedings of the 46th Annual Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Putting the Local into Global, held virtually, July 12-17, pp. 278-280 (extended abstract).
Stan Shapiro, Mark Peterson, Julie Stanton, Joe Sirgy and Tina Facca-Miess, 2021, “’Save the Macromarketers!’: Insights on Moving Macromarketing into the Business School Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 46th Annual Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Putting the Local into Global, held virtually, July 12-17, pp. 245-246 (extended abstract).
Cliff Shultz, Don Rahtz, Joe Sirgy, Jaquie Pels, Marcus Hemais Pontifícia, Stan Shapiro, Julie Stanton, and Andrés Barrios, 2021, “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Conflict: Perspectives from the Americas,” Proceedings of the 46th Annual Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Putting the Local into Global, held virtually, July 12-17, pp. 226-229 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Isabella Briseño, 2021, “Translating the UN SDGs from Goals to Managerial Decision-Making: A Role Play Simulation Designed to Spark Critical Thinking,”presented as experiential learning activity at the Eastern Academy of Management Conference 2021, held online, May 19-22.
Alex Bolinger and Julie Stanton, 2020, Role Play Simulations, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 176 pages.
Margie Bacheler, Nannette D’Imperio and Julie Stanton, 2020, “Engaging students in the intrapreneurship process,” presented as professional development workshop to the Eastern Academy of Management Conference 2020, held online, June 24-26.
Julie Stanton, 2019, “Changing consumer preferences in emerging markets: Food market challenges in central Mexico,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 25:4, 378-403.
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2019, “Product knowledge and information processing of organic foods,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36:1, 240-252.
Julie Stanton, 2019, “Engaging students in the reality of macromarketing: A classroom exercise connecting sustainability goals to economic objectives,” Proceedings of the Macromarketing Conference 2019, Cleveland OH, June 26-29, pp. 373-385 (full paper).
Chance Vandover, Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2019, “County level agricultural marketing labels: Value proposition or unwelcome burden?,” Proceedings of the Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington, DC, June 6-8, pp. 88-89 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Alex Bolinger, 2019, “Wrapped candy and chopsticks in class: A role playing simulation of warehouse operations management,”presented (by Stanton) at the Eastern Academy of Marketing Conference 2019, Wilmington DE, May 9-11. Nominated for Best Experiential Learning Activity (1 of 4). (No proceedings published.)
Julie Stanton, 2018, “Changing consumer landscapes in developing countries: Growing the organic market in Mexico,” presented at the 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science conference, Philadelphia, June 13-16, 2018. (No proceedings published.)
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2017, “Am I sure about this? A study of consumers’ confidence in their knowledge of organic foods,” Proceedings of the Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington DC, June 1-3 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2016. “The credibility of locally grown community-supported agriculture: Priorities and perspectives of consumers,” chapter 7 in Mark F. Lang and John L. Stanton, eds. The Meaning of Local Foods: A Food Marketing Management Perspective, New Jersey: Institute of Food Products Marketing.
Julie Stanton and Deirdre T. Guion, 2015, “Perceptions of “organic” food: A view through brand theory,” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 27:120-141 (accepted 2013).
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2015, “Label heuristics or detailed processing? Choice factors for alternative foods,” Proceedings of the 2015 Macromarketing Conference, Chicago IL, June 25-28 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook, 2015, “Marketing strategies for alternative foods: Reflecting on the value of the 4 P’s,” Proceedings of the Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington DC, June 4-6 (extended abstract).
Alex Bolinger and Julie Stanton, 2014, “The gap between perceived and actual learning from group reflection,” Small Group Research 45: 539-567 (accepted 2014).
Alex Bolinger and Julie Stanton, 2014, “Dead-end or part of the process? The effects of creative process scripts on strategic problem-solving,” Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society’s Special Conference “Micro-Foundations for Strategic Management Research: Embracing Individuals”, Copenhagen, Denmark, June (full paper).
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook (Ph.D. candidate), 2014, “Motives for supporting community supported agriculture: Exploring health, ethical and locally-grown interests of consumers,” Proceedings of the 2014 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Boston MA, June 5-7 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Deirdre T. Guion, 2013, “Taking advantage of a vulnerable group?: Emotional cues in ads targeting parents,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 47:3, 485-517 (accepted 2013).
Laurel Cook (Ph.D. candidate) and Julie Stanton, 2013, "Source credibility and the “certified” food market,” Proceedings of the 2013 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington DC, May 31-June 1 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Laurel Cook (Ph.D. candidate), 2013, “Growing the “certified” food market: An analysis of how information flows influence consumer understanding of ethical food choices,” Proceedings of the 2013 Macromarketing Conference, Toronto, June 4-6 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Diane M. Paolo (undergraduate), 2012, “Information overload in the context of apparel: Effects on confidence, shopper orientation and leadership,” Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 16:4, 454-476 (accepted 2012).
Deirdre Guion and Julie Stanton, 2012, “Advertising the U.S. National Organic Standard: A Well-Intentioned Cue Lost in the Shuffle?“ Journal of Promotion Management, 18:4, 514-535 (accepted 2010).
Julie Stanton, 2012, “Accessing Marketing Channels in Emerging Markets: The Case of Small-scale Cooperatives in Central Mexico,” International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 4(1), 28-48 (accepted 2009).
Yelena Gorelik (undergraduate) and Julie Stanton, 2012, “Making healthy choices: A look at consumer preferences regarding restaurant menus,” in John Stanton and Mark Lang, eds., Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Philadelphia PA, June 21-22 (full paper).
Deirdre Guion and Julie Stanton, 2012, “4 out of 5 physicians recommend… An exploration of the effects of physician recommendation on parental purchase decisions,” Proceedings of the 2012 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 7-9 (extended abstract).
Alex Bolinger and Julie Stanton, 2012, “The effects of reflecting individually or in groups on individual decision-making performance: Motivated information processing and the role of cognitive elaboration,” Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 9-12, 2012 (full paper).
Julie Stanton, Deirdre T. Guion and Russell Casey, 2011, “Perceptions of ‘Organic’ Food: An exploration of the cultural, ethnic and lifestyle influences on food choices,” pp. 55-57 in William Redmond, ed. The New World: Macromarketing Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Williamsburg, VA, June 5-8 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Deirdre T. Guion, 2011, “It’s “organic”! Or is it?: A cross-cultural look at the meaning of the term,” in Elizabeth Howlett, John Kozup and Jeremy Kees, eds. Emerging Concerns in an Increasingly Interconnected World, Proceedings of the 2011 Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington, DC, June 2-4 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Tim Burkink, 2010, “Participating in Agricultural Export Channels: Perspectives of farmers from the “salad bowl” region of central Mexico,” pp. 99-103 in Terri L. Rittenburg and Mark Peterson, eds. Exploring the Frontiers in Macromarketing, Papers of the 35th annual Macromarketing Conference 2010, Laramie, WY, June 9-11 (extended abstract).
Deirdre Guion and Julie Stanton, 2009, “Are parents vulnerable, susceptible or savvy to advertising strategy? An analysis of emotion-based appeals in food ads,” pp. 262-263 in Elizabeth Moore, Janis K. Pappalardo and William L. Wilkie, eds. Contributions, Controversies and Continuing Challenges in the Worlds of Consumer Protection and Competition, Marketing & Public Policy Conference Proceedings, vol. 19, Washington DC, May 28-30 (extended abstract).
Julie Stanton and Deirdre Guion, 2009, “Consumer Attitudes Toward Organic Foods: An exploration of U.S. market segments,” Research in Consumer Behavior, vol. 12.
Julie Stanton and Tim Burkink, 2008, “Improving Small Farmer Participation in Export Marketing Channels: Perceptions of U.S. Fresh Produce Importers,” Supply Chain Management 13(3), 199-210.
Julie Stanton, C. Ken Weidner and Tim Burkink, 2008, “Engendering ‘trust’ among Agricultural Producers: Prospects for successful cooperatives in Mexican marketing channels,” pp. 34-38 in William A. Kilbourne and John D. Mittelstadt, eds. Macromarketing: Systems, Causes and Consequences, Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting of the Macromarketing Society 2008, Clemson SC, June 4-7 (extended abstract).
Deirdre Guion and Julie Stanton, 2008, “Deceptive or merely trendy?: The use of health cues in the advertisement of organic and conventional foods,” pp. 144-145 in John Kozup, Charles R. Taylor and Ronald P. Hill, eds. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sound Policy, Marketing & Public Policy Conference Proceedings, vol. 18, Philadelphia PA, May 30-31 (extended abstract).
Renée Hughner, Pierre McDonagh, Andrea Prothero, Clifford J Shultz II and Julie Stanton, 2007, “Who are Organic Food Consumers?: A Compilation and Review of Why People Purchase Organic Food” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6:4.
Julie Stanton, 2007, “Habits in Fresh Produce Consumption: Are Seasonal Increases in Marketing Efforts Necessary?” Journal of Food Products Marketing 13:1, 1-18.
Zoya Pavlovskaya and Julie Stanton, 2007, “The Importance of Youth Consumers in the Global Athletic Footwear Market,” Proceedings of the 12th Cross Cultural Research Conference, Honolulu HI, December 12-15 (extended abstract ) ( Undergraduate co-author underlined).
Deirdre Guion and Julie Stanton, 2007, “Organic Foods and Advertising: Are consumers well-informed?,” pp. 289-294 in Stacey Menzel Baker and Daniel Westbrook, eds. Macromarketing and Development: Building Bridges and Forging Alliances, Proceedings of a Joint Conference of The International Society of Market and Development and The Macromarketing Society, Washington DC, June 2-5 (extended abstract).
Renee Hughner, Pierre McDonagh, Andrea Prothero, Clifford J. Shultz III and Julie Stanton, 2007, “The Big “O”: Organic Food Aesthetics in American everyday life,” p. 287 in Stacey Menzel Baker and Daniel Westbrook, eds. Macromarketing and Development: Building Bridges and Forging Alliances, Proceedings of a Joint Conference of The International Society of Market and Development and The Macromarketing Society, Washington DC, June 2-5 (abstract).