John Baffoe-Bonnie is a professor of Economics at Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine Campus. He was born in Ghana and received his Ph.D. degree in economics from Dalhousie University, Canada, in 1985. Prior to joining the Pennsylvania State University in 1988, he held faculty positions at the University of Manitoba (Canada) and Drexel University in Philadelphia (USA) where he taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematical economics, labor economics, and macro economics. His research interests have been in the areas of labor economics, applied macroeconomics and development economics. Having specialized in labor economics and econometrics, he has geared much of his research toward an application of econometric techniques to analyze issues in the labor market, real estate market and the economy as a whole.
In the area of labor economics, Dr. Baffoe-Bonnie’s research has focused on labor market segmentation, efficiency wage models, transfer programs, wage differentials among different demographics, and full-time/Part-time issues, while topics on macroeconomics and development economics deal with issues of inter-temporal consumption behavior in both developed and developing countries, and the dynamic effects of government policies. His research has yielded several publications in refereed Journals. He is the co-editor of Contemporary Economic Issues in Developing Countries (Greenwood—Praeger Publishers, 2003).
Recent Publications:
Baffoe-Bonnie, J and F. Ezeala-Harrison., “Incidence and Duration of Unemployment Spells: Implications on the Male-Female Wage Differentials,” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,” Vol. 45, 2005.
Baffoe-Bonnie, J.,“Learning-by-doing and Input Demand of a Rate-of-Return of Regulated Firm.” Economic Modeling, Vol. 21, 2004.
Baffoe-Bonnie, J.,“Dynamic Modeling of Fiscal and Exchange Rates Policy Effects in a Developing Country:A Non-Structural Approach.” Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1, February 2004.