Jason Reed is currently President of the Digital Solutions Group (DSG) and GA Telesis Engine Services SPAH with full accountability of all data science, AI, and Americas based engine support sales/operations with GA Telesis. Previously Jason served 9 years as the President of the Flight Solutions Group (FSG) where he was accountable for overall leadership of the Component Solutions, Tarmac Solutions, Distribution Solutions, and Logistics Solutions teams. Areas of management responsibility include strategic guidance within the group, sales, leasing, repair management, support services, consignment management, inventory management, quality assurance, global distribution operations, and overall profit and loss execution. Reed’s multinational experience and overall aviation industry relationships have been instrumental in GA Telesis’ overall growth, as well as success for his entire customer base.
Prior to joining GA Telesis, Reed was Vice President and Head of Operations for Airbus Americas and Satair Americas. Over the course of 11 years, his primary focus was to develop mature, strategic, and positive long-term relationships with Airbus customers in the North and Latin American region while managing the overall P&L for the region. Responsibilities included regional distribution operations, contract management, supplier management, direction of all spares order desks, material sales, and all material services development. Reed began his career as an engineer overseeing technical and customer support management for global landing gear manufacturer Safran, formerly Messier-Dowty.
Reed received his Bachelor of Science degree from the Pennsylvania State University with a major in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Spanish. His industry studies, executive management, material sales, supplier management, operations and technical management experience covers the better part of 30 years and underscores both his detailed industry knowledge and ability to drive a dynamic aviation career. Reed serves as an Advisory Board Member to Penn State Brandywine and also serves on the Board of Directors for the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA).
Reed resides in Charlotte, NC with his wife and daughter. He enjoys golfing, biking, boating, hiking, skiing, as well as classic automobiles, and is an avid outdoor and wildlife enthusiast.