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A drill bit in an underground gold mine.

Nevada Gold Mines

As part of his internship working in an underground gold mine, Samuel Dikeumunna would assess the quality of extracted material.

 Laura Gillin presenting her research to the campus community.

Laura Gillin

Penn State graduate and Cooper Honors Scholar Laura Gillin presented her research about LGBTQ+ experiences during online gaming to the campus community. 

Coffee cups in three sizes: small, medium and large

Coffee Cups

The Commuter Meal Plan features three price levels: $250, $500 and $1,000. The $250 level, which is new this year, offers flexibility for students seeking a small number of meals, snacks and/or beverages per week at Campus Dining locations.

Coffee cups in three sizes: small, medium and large

Commuter meal plans offer dining options for off-campus students

Penn State students who commute to campus or live in on-campus apartments have a convenient option for grabbing a meal or a snack: the Commuter Meal Plan. The plan, which is charged to the student account, has recently been expanded to three levels and is now offered at additional Penn State locations.
Scientific posters on easels line a large room, with windows on one side. People are grouped together in two or threes, discussing the research on the posters.

REU symposium 2019

Undergraduate students from across the United States presented their summer research projects at the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium on July 30.