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Shawlen Nahar and Faisal Rashidi as bride and groom at mock South Asian wedding

Brandywine holds first Mock South Asian Shaadi

Penn State Brandywine held its first Mock Shaadi (mock South Asian wedding) on Friday, Nov. 10. A cross-collaboration event with Multilingual and International Student Programs, the Bangladeshi Student Association, and the Multicultural Club, the Mock Shaadi featured traditional South Asian food, dancing, games and more. 
Two female students on the Hype Squad stand in the campus gym.

Brandywine's new Hype Squad raises the energy at home athletics events

Penn State Brandywine’s new Hype Squad is raising the level of excitement and engagement at home sporting events. The 15-member team was present at several soccer and volleyball games this fall, and the squad led cheers from the sideline and performed at halftime for the first home men’s basketball game on Nov. 9.
nine startup business owners smiling after pitch competition

Penn State Brandywine and Berks collaborate for Idea TestLab at Great Valley

Penn State Brandywine’s and Penn State Berks’ LaunchBoxes collaborated with Penn State Great Valley to hold the Fall 2023 Idea TestLab Pitch Competition on Nov. 8. Nine startup business owners participated in the competition, which included two students from Brandywine, as well as seven members of the campus’ respective communities.