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Meaghan Daly sewing masks to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Meaghan Daly

Penn State graduate and business owner Meaghan Daly is supplying free face masks to help stop the spread of coronavirus. 

A chart showing rates for summer 2020. This chart is available in alternative format at


For the 2020 summer sessions, campus tuition has been adjusted per the chart pictured here. The chart also is available in alternative format, here.

Old Main Bell on Penn State University Park campus

Penn State to continue remote learning, online courses into summer

Given the continuing challenge and uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic and to protect the health of students, faculty and staff, Penn State has made the decision to extend virtual delivery of courses into the summer. Further, the University will adjust tuition for the summer sessions in light of the ongoing pandemic and the persistent fiscal strain it is causing across Pennsylvania and the country.
Penn State Brandywine students teaching children at Tyler Arboretum.

Brandywine and Tyler Arboretum partnership

Over the past several years, Penn State Brandywine has partnered with Tyler Arboretum to deliver several different sustainability-themed activities for community members. Pictured is a previous collaboration to celebrate World Water Day.