"Benefits of the Group Process," Oct. 9 - part of campus' Common Read 2013

"Benefits of the Group Process"
Wednesday Oct. 9
12:30 p.m.
room 113 of the Main Building

Having a support group when facing challenges can help people successfully overcome numerous obstacles. This group process can come with its own set of difficulties, such as communication barriers and understanding group boundaries. This year's Common Read event titled "Benefits of the Group Process" will be held on Wednesday Oct. 9, 12:30 p.m. in room 113 of the Main Building and can help students learn how to apply the group process to their everyday lives.  

Each academic year Penn State Brandywine unites to share a Common Read - a book chosen by a committee that the campus is encouraged to read and use in the classroom. Lively discussions and enjoyable events focusing on the chosen book take place. This year Penn State Brandywine is reading John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, a fictional story about two kindred spirits, a 16-year-old girl with terminal cancer and a 17-year-old ex-basketball player and amputee, who fall in love. The book follows theses teens as they try to understand the meaning of their lives and how they will be remembered once they're gone.

To kick off the first Common Read event of the year, Brandywine's Instructor in Human Development and Family Studies Virginia Smith and Personal Counselor Ahyana King will lead a discussion about group theory, aspects of the group environment and the different types of groups. Guests will also hear about the challenges that groups face, such as respect issues and boundary crossing.

King will then lead an activity focusing on how to apply the group process to situations at Penn State Brandywine, strengthening students' group communication skills. She will also discuss the benefits of working in groups, such as the ability to solve complex issues and produce creative problem solving solutions.     

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to join this informative discussion.